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See which
consumers are choosing

Ongoing monitoring of Poles' shopping lists

5,7 mln

number of shopping lists analyzed annually

800 000

shopping lists with the name of the retail chain in the title

750 000+

active Listonic users annually


brands examined for popularity

80 mln+

products analyzed on shopping lists

Check the popularity of your brand against the competition

New: We have now added the Brand Loyalty Index

Simple report generation

Choose a category and a brand from the left menu and check the popularity of your brand against the competition.

Free purchase analysis

The only place where you can check your FMCG and retail brand's popularity among shoppers free of charge and discover users' brand loyalty within a chosen category.

No registration

We offer you the chance to check all reports without having to register. The data is updated once a week - every Monday.


Download your brand's popularity report

  • Check Brand Performance, i.e. consumer interest in your brand, by entering the name in the search box or selecting the product category from the left menu.
  • Check the Brand Loyalty Index, i.e. what percentage of products in your category were added to Listonic shopping lists with reference to the brand.

Contact us

Do you have a question or is your brand missing here? Write to us!
Head of sales pictureMałgorzata OlczakHead of Sales665 421